Medical Equipment

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Styku 3D Body Scanner

Styku scanners are used in a variety of industries, including fitness, health, and wellness, aesthetics, medical weight loss, and physical therapy. Some of the benefits of using a Styku 3D scanner include:

  • More precise measurements than traditional methods: Styku scanners can provide measurements that are 76% more precise than an expert tailor.
  • Ability to track progress over time: Styku scanners can be used to track changes in your body composition over time, which can help you stay motivated to reach your goals.
  • Visualization of shape and landmarks: Styku scanners can create a 3D model of your body that you can rotate, pan, and zoom. This can help you to visualize your shape and landmarks.
  • Identification of asymmetries: Styku scanners can help to identify asymmetries in your shape, which can be helpful for physical therapists and other healthcare professionals.

The cost of a Styku 3D scan can vary depending on the location, but it typically ranges from $35 to $185